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Upcoming Events

Returnee Pizza Party
Friday, August 23, 12-1pm
Sverdrup 112

This event is for students who studied abroad during the 2023-2024 academic year. This is intended to be a fun opportunity to connect with other students who recently studied abroad, whether to reminisce with old friends or to swap stories with new friends. Oh, and there will be free pizza! 

Ice Cream on the Quad
Tuesday, August 27, 11:30am-1:30pm
Sverdrup Commons Patio

Stop by to chat and grab some information on study abroad. Free Ted Drewes while supplies last! 

Study Abroad Fair
Wednesday, September 18, 11am-1pm
Sunnen Lounge, University Center

This is our biggest event of the semester and is the perfect opportunity to stop by and get information about study abroad. We'll have tables with information on different programs and staff from the Office of Study Abroad will be available to answer your questions. Additionally, several students who recently studied abroad will be there to share their experiences and answer your questions as well. 

Past Event Recordings

We partnered with the Career Planning & Development Center to offer a webinar titled 'Study Abroad & Your Personal Brand'. If you studied abroad and are wondering how to incorporate that experience into a cover letter, resume, interview, etc..., this is a great resource. Check out the YouTube recording here and the SPARK presentation here